Portable Hardness Tester

PortableNon Portable
Resolution128×64 OLEO display
AccuracyHLO: 0.5% (800HLO)
Hardness StandardsHS, HRA, HL, HRC, HB, HV, HRB
Power SupplyRechargeable lithium battery
Testing Range(170-960)HLO ,(17 .9-69.5)H RC,(19-683) H B,(80-1 042) HV,(30.6-1 02.6)H S, (59.1-88)HRA
The TM Series Pen Type Hardness Tester Are The Portable Hardness TestingInstruments, Which Integrated The Smartest N D T TechnologyAnd The Smallest Dimension. The pen Type Hardness Tester Is ARevolutionary Product That Can Test Most Of The Metal ObjectsWith The Pen Type Design And Innovative D/ D L ImpactingProbes, The Pen Type TM Series Products Provide Convenient AndReliable Experience Of Testing.With its small size, impressive design, competitive price,convenient using experience, The Pen Type hardness tester canwildly be used in various situations.
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