Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station

About :

The EE-AQMS-01 is built at the component level to provide an organization with the instruments it needs to meet its measurement objectives. It monitors inside and outside temperature, baro- metric pressure, wind direction, wind speed and Air Quality Monitoring such as So2, No2, Co2, Co, & Particulate Matter (Pm1, Pm2.5 & Pm10). The versatility of this automated AAQMS is ev- idenced in your ability to add, remove, or sub- stitute sensors or other peripherals as your data measurement and monitoring needs change.


    • Thimble:Glass FibreThimble/PTFE Filter for the separa- tion of particulates
    • Pump: 0-9 lpm (Litre Per Minute) higher efficient vacu- um pump
    • Solar panel: Polycrystalline Photo voltaic PV Solar Panel 35 watt for 12V battery charging
    • Data-Logging: Internal-SD card & External-USB drive







    Gas Sensor: Electrochemical Particulates: Laser scattering Co2: NDIR

    Operating Temperature:

    409 to +150’F (40 to +65’c)

    Particles Sensor: Laser Dust Sensor(PM1.0 PM2.5, PM10)


    Concentration output range: 0- 1000ug/m3




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