The instrument will be used for determining the ductility of asphaltic bitumen, native asphalt, cut back bitumen and blown type bitumen.
- Mould – made of brass with the shape, dimensions and tolerances .The ends band bI are known as clips, and the parts a and a I as sides of the mould. The dimensions of the mould shall be such that when properly assembled, it will form a briquette specimen having the following dimensions: Total length
75.0 ± 0.5 mm
Distance between clips 30.0 ± 0.3 mm Width at mouth of clip 20.0 ± 0.2 mm
Width at minimum cross-section 10.0 ± 0.1 mm (halfway between clips)
Thickness throughout 10.0 ± 0.1 mm
- Water Bath – A bath preferably with a thermostat maintained within ± 0.l°c of the specified test temperature, containing not less than 10 litres of water, the specimen being immersed to a depth of not less than 100 mm and supported on a perforated shelf not less than 50 mm from the bottom of the bath.
- Testing Machine – For pulling the briquette of bituminous material apart, any apparatus may be used which is so constructed that the specimen will be continuously immersed in water, while the two clips are pulled apart
horizontally with minimum vibrations at a uniform speed, as specified and with suitable arrangement for stirring the water for attaining uniformity in temperature
- Thermometer – conforming to the following requirements:
- Range 0 to 44°c Graduations O.2°c Immersion 65 mm Overall length 340 ± 10 mm Stem diameter 5.5 to 8.0 mm
Bulb length 10 to 16 mm
Bulb diameter Not larger than stem diameter Length of graduated portion 150 to 190 mm Longer lines at each l°c and 5°c
Figured at each 5°e Scale ± 0.2°c