Cut Section Model Of Tractor

Actual Cut Sectional Model Of TRACTOR

01. We Can Provide Correct Cut Sectionals as per requirement.

02. Cylinder Block:- We provide 3 Cylinders Cut Section So trainees can understand correct location of respective Pistons. Also it is easy to See oil Gallery and water Galleries in the Block

03. Cylinder Head :- We Provide all four Cut section of all four Combustion chambers so trainee easily understand witch Stroke take place in Respective Cylinder and with working Of valves. Its Useful for the demonstration of the Cooling and Lubrication System.

04. Crank Case:- We Provide cut Section of Crank case so trainees understand working of Crank Shaft, and also understand location of oil pump, strainer .

05. Oil Pump:- We provide Cut Section Of Oil Pump Housing So trainees easily understand Type, Construction and working of Oil Pump in the Engine.

06. Fuel Supply System:- We Provide Actual Cut Sectional Fuel Tank in the stand of engine So Trainees Easily understand the fuel Supply System of car and location of Fuel Pump & fuel Gauge and its wiring Circuits.

07. Cooling System: – We Provide Actual Cut of Water pump, Jackets Thermostat valves So trainee easily understand Type, Construction, Location & Working of Cooling System.

08. Air Intake System: – We Provide Actual Cut Model of Air Cleaner and turbo charger for demonstration of type Construction & working of air Cleaner. Also Trainees can understand locations and Construction of Intake air System.

09. Exhaust Systems:- We provide Actual Cut Of Exhaust Manifold. ( Mufflers and catalytic converter if provide by your side)

10. Engine/Chassis Drive:- Engine is Driven by Single phase motor Driven Crompton make with worm gear reduction and V belt drive RPM of Engine is as required.

11.Clutch:- Actual cut section of bail housingfor understanding working of clutch.

12. Gear Box:- Actual cut section of Gear box housingfor understanding of Gear box working and gear shifting.

13. Transmission:- As actualwith multi colour painting.

14. Final Drive/Rear Axle:- Actual cut section of housing and wheel hub single side.

15. Colour:- Stand will be powder coated other all the parts will be colored with different colours.

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