Standards IS:9669, IS:2720 (Part 16)

Load Frame, 50 kN (5,000kgf), Capacity, Three Speed 1.5,1.25, 2.5

mm/min Mould – Gun Metal, 150m ID x 175 mm H. Perforated Base

Plate – Gun Metal, for Mould. Extension Collar – Gun Metal 150 mm ID x 50 mm high. Penetration Piston 50 mm face dia. Adjustable

Bracket for Penetration Dial Gauge. Circular Metal Spacer Disc, with

detachable handle, 148 mm dia x 47.7 mm high. Annular Metal

Weight 2.5 kg, 147 mm dia with 53 mm dia central hole. Slotted

Metal Weight 2.5 kg, 147 mm dia, with 53 mm dia slot. Perforated

Plate 148 mm dia, with adjustable stem and lock nut. Metal Tripod

for Dial Gauge. Cutting Collar Rammer 2.6 kg, 310 mm controlled

drop Rammer 4.9 kg, 450 mm controlled drop. Electronic outfit for

CBR Test, consists of : Digital Indicator, 1 No. ower

: 230 ± 10%

mains, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC supply d)

Parameter display : By a

selector switch Load Cell, 1 No. Capacity : 50 kN (5000 kgf),

Compression Type Maximum overload : 110% of the rated capacity

Sensing : Strain Gauges in full bridge configuration Displacement

Transducer, 1 No.,Range : ±10 mm Data Aquisition System with

Software, Desktop Windows based i5, HP/Brothers Laser jet Printer & UPS.

It should be certified from NABL/ILAC/Govt Labs.

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