Chain / Hydraulic Brinell Hardness Testers

Display TypeAnalog
Model Name/NumberOHB-3000A
Automation GradeSemi-automatic
Weight (kg)14 kg. Approx., 14 kg. Approx.
Test Range32-650HBW
Test Force (kg)3000kg (1000kg, 750kg, 500kg optional), 3000kg (1000kg, 750kg, 500kg optional)

Fixthetesthead of Brinell hardness tester to the test frame.When testing, fix the measuring frame onto thesurface of the test piece firmly, load force by operating the handle.The test head is a mini hydraulic system which contains a control valve for controlling force. Whenforceloadingto3,000Kgf,thecontrolvalve opens,pressure releasing. According to ASTM standard, force loading shouldbe repeated 3to4times,keeping the pin of the pressure gauge reaching the point of 3,000Kgf 3 to 4 times.ln this way, it equals the test regulation of test force 3,000 Kgf, iDmmtest ball, force maintaining time; 0 to 5seconds.
Test principleApply hydraulic principle permiting loading 3,000Kgfmanually.
On-site TestingIt could be applied in workshop, simple operation, easy carrying, and testing bodyhardness of large parts piece by piece.
Permanent IndentationBy 3,000Kgfand 10mm test ball, the indentation is permanent for re-inspecting.

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